Pamir Law Group, in association with the Knott Group and the Taiwan Technology Industry Legal Officers Association (TILO) organized a seminar titled “Strategies & Techniques to Manage Legal Costs” yesterday in Taipei.
The seminar described strategies and tactics through which well-coordinated company leadership can, through a business-minded general counsel and the Office of the CFO, create and implement a metrics-driven, process-oriented function. A metrics-oriented approach can be used to inventory, measure and improve core legal business processes, including the sourcing of human resources and technology to alleviate the significant costs and risks inherent in these processes. This approach is particularly useful to companies operating in the U.S., due to significant changes in how US federal and state courts handle discovery of electronic data in litigation, ever-increasing oversight and regulation, and several high-profile and expensive missteps by companies in Intellectual Property litigations, responsible corporate legal department leadership need more and better business process and management controls to manage legal processes and budgets.
About the Speaker
Sam Panarella is a corporate legal department management consultant and former partner at one of the largest corporate law firms in the Western United States. Mr. Panarella’s most recent book, “Litigation Readiness: A Practical Guide to Electronic Discovery”, will be published by Oxford University Press in Spring 2011. Mr. Panarella founded The Knott Group to help corporate legal departments manage the costs and risks inherent in legal business processes. The Knott Group has successfully implemented these programs and processes in several of the world’s largest technology, financial services, manufacturing, retail and pharmaceutical companies.