Pamir has been (and continues to be) a most trusted adviser, especially in providing diverse corporate support in regional M&A and investment projects as well as comprehensive strategic intellectual property litigation support such as in a victorious eight year “battle of titans” trade secret litigation in U.S., Taiwan and China, resulting in favorable (to TSMC) judgments in China, Taiwan and the U.S. and in multiple hundreds of million dollar settlement.
Nick Chen is one of the most astute folks in ferreting out the real facts (rice-paddy myth has him walking a field in China to determine a potential unreported dumping of toxic chemicals of a target acquisition, only to return to the facility with the soles of his sneakers melting away!).
Among key advisory roles, Pamir has played for us are: investments in the greater China region; electronic discovery and document management system planning; implementation and advisory work related to assorted China issues, etc.
Nick Chen stands head and shoulders above other advisors with regard to the excellent client care and the exceptionally high quality services that he and his team have provided over the years.